Our camps are a great way to have fun and continue to grow as a basketball athlete throughout the Christmas Break, Spring Break, and Summer.
BC Bounce Abbotsford Camps
Spring Break Camp
March 17 to 20 - Monday to Thursday at CBC
9:00 to 12
Kindergarten to Grade 5 - COED
Registration Coming Soon
Girls Only Camp
TBA July
Grades 3 - 4 - 5
Grade 6 - 7 - 8
2 Divisions
MAX 24 in each division
Elite Boys Camp
Grade 6 to Grade 9
TBA in August
Columbia Bible College
This is for players with experience, this is an opportunity for the club players and experienced players to come to an intense camp with great competition for 4 days
Morning session with have guest coaches from the university level to trainers and players from 10 :00 to 11:30 - TBA
The first hour will be filled with skill building and warmup exercises
The afternoon will be filled with practice sessions and tournament play games with each team being assigned a coach who will coach them for the 4 days.
All Day Camp Format
Morning Session
1. 15 minute station work on shooting, ball handling, layups and passing
2. Competition ladders in free throw shooting and one on one play
3. Full court transition games of 2 on 2 and 3 on 3 as well as Jordan Drill ( a full court game involving 3 teams.)
4. Team Shooting games for awards and prizes starting on the second day
Afternoon Session
1. The players will be selected to teams and they will play full court games to a championship on Thursday
2. Each team will be given a 15 to 30 minutes after lunch to work with their coach on any strategies the coach wants to implement
Half Day Camp Format
Techniques to work on in camp are as follows:
balance and footwork
shooting drills
station format to learn skills
Lots of drills and competitions
Ladders in free throws and one on one
What do I need to bring:
1. A ball - if you do not have the correct size we sell rubber balls for $25.00 and composite balls for $45.00 at the reg table
2. Water bottle - there is a fountain by the gym but having a water bottle on court is helpful at times
3. Bring a snack or food for breaks and lunch break from 12:00 to about 12:30 before we go into ladder challenges
4. Proper clothing and footwear - tshirt and shorts - sweat pants allowed as well if needed- shoes have to be either court shores or running shoes