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League Schedules

Girls League

Wednesday - Friday 5:00 to 6:00 Schedules

Date Team vsTeam Score Boxscore
April 17 Orange vs Red 22-17BoxScore
Yellowvs Green 44-6BoxScore
April 19 Orangevs Yellow 38-14BoxScore
April 24 Orange vs Green 36-20BoxScore
Red vs Yellow20 - 12BoxScore
April 26 Orange vs Red 22-26BoxScore
Yellow vs Green34-36BoxScore
May 1Greenvs Yellow 8-32BoxScore
Orangevs Red14-16BoxScore
May 3 Orangevs Green40-16BoxScore
Redvs Yellow26-20BoxScore
May 8 Orangevs Red18-14BoxScore
Yellowvs Green24-26BoxScore
May 10 Orangevs Yellow30-13BoxScore
Greenvs Red22-30BoxScore
May 15 Orangevs Green30-28BoxScore
Redvs Yellow8-22BoxScore
May 17 Orangevs Red24-12BoxScore
Yellowvs Green 24-2BoxScore
May 22 Orangevs Yellow24-29BoxScore
Greenvs Red14-30BoxScore
May 24 Orangevs Green24-12BoxScore
Redvs Yellow24-28BoxScore
May 29 Orangevs Red12-134BoxScore
Yellowvs Green11-16BoxScore
May 31 Orangevs Yellow30-24BoxScore
Greenvs Red20-24BoxScore
June 5 Orangevs Green14-10BoxScore
Redvs Yellow 14-28BoxScore
June 7 orangevs Red24-12BoxScore
Yellowvs Green 39-26BoxScore
June 12 PLAYOFFSG1 -OrangeVSGreen34-18BoxScore
G2 - RedVSYellow12-20BoxScore
June 14Orange-CHAMPIONSVSYellow24-8BoxScore